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  1. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    You want to really shore the divide: HM(N)CS(M) Chez Helene. Hum! Don't know how many here are old enough to remember that.
  2. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Did HMCS Bollywed just enter the chat?
  3. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Nice one Lumber. But Gichi-Manidoo, the Great Spirit, is said by the Anishinaabe to reside at Michilimackinac, which is located in the USA (Michigan state).
  4. Oldgateboatdriver

    Islamic Terrorism in the West ( Mega thread)

    Don't need chicken if its a Duck Dynasty.
  5. Oldgateboatdriver

    Liberal Minority Government 2021 - ????

    Wow! They'd be getting into a theocracy and a gerontocracy at the same time. :)
  6. Oldgateboatdriver

    A Deeply Fractured US

    The Rangers are playing tonight and its Playoffs season - they had to get home in time to catch the game. C'mon, man!
  7. Oldgateboatdriver

    Summer combat boots.

    Noted, Sockeye. But what makes you think that Canadian know anything about what one should wear in the desert, as compared to Australians? Arctic boots may be more in our court. ;)
  8. Oldgateboatdriver

    Current Dress Regs

    I see the LRDG / SAS .... I mean the Rat Patrol, has entered the chat. Well played, Rudburg.
  9. Oldgateboatdriver

    Current Dress Regs

    Well, that may be Army lessons learned (even then, I am not so sure), but not Navy: We had long hair ( as compared to the army anyway) with some even long enough for seamen to have them in a ponytail in WW1 and WW2, they weren't coloured, but then colouring hair was unknown in those days, and...
  10. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    At the end of the Reagan era "600 ships" Navy policy (made redundant by the fall of the wall), Electric Boats was launching one boat every 3 1/2 months: more than three a year but not quite four. That was pretty well max production, which is why, when Mulroney's government looked at SSN's, the...
  11. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I'll throw you a bone, Underway. If you want to compare the two for manpower (RN v. RCN), you have to compare sea going warships: Their SSBN, SSN, CV, Amphibious Assault ships, DD, FF, River class PB, minehunters and survey ships and arctic patrol ship to our fleet of FFH, SSK, AOPS and MCDV...
  12. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I put in the Spanish Armada because it is within the "last five centuries" used by SKT and there actually was a joint Spanish/French/Dutch invasion fleet ready to invade England, but it needed to meet up with the Armada first and the English fleet never let it stop or meet with it.
  13. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    And I respect your opinions. Alternate history is a difficult field. But if the standard is "did it prevent England from being invaded", then the Battle of the Spanish Armada and the Battle of England (yes, I know an air battle - but it prevented Hitler from invading England, so ...) should...
  14. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Only to the Brits. No one knows how the invasion would have turned out in the end. Plus, it didn't stop him from trying to take over the rest of continental Europe later on (War of 1812 - heard of it?). He was stopped in the end by land power at Waterloo. Losing Midway would have set the...
  15. Oldgateboatdriver


    Actually, small correction here: you are talking about ATHABASKAN, a ship that was decommissioned before her Majesty's passing. In her case, she will always be known as "Her Majesty's Canadian Ship ATHABASKAN, just like the WWII one will always be known as "His Majesty's Canadian Ship ATHABASKAN".
  16. Oldgateboatdriver


    No. the designation follows the ruling crown. The very designation refers to "ownership" of the warship. When the Queen passed away, all her possessions passed on to the succeeding head of state - the King. P.S.: That is why in countries like ours, we do not classify public property as "Public...
  17. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    That's very British centric my friend. There are those who would argue that Midway was pretty damn similarly pivotal. Others would put their money on the Battle of Tsushima Strait.
  18. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I would think that, while not as consequential in geopolitical terms, the Channel fights against U-boats and E-boats to protect the D-Day landings were pretty pivotal (and down right nasty). But still, she is Canada's most decorated and honoured warship. Why not preserve that legacy, at least...
  19. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Well, here's a ship that is still in commission in the UK to play exactly the same role : HMS VICTORY. Her name will never be used again, and the honour will be hers in perpetuity.
  20. Oldgateboatdriver

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Algonquin is actually more of a grouping of first nations that shared a roaming territory centered around the great lakes and East coast and shares a near common language than an actual specific first nation. Technically, the Iroquois (who are included in the Algonquin language family), who...