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Recent content by calculus

  1. C

    C3 Howitzer Replacement

    Wasn't exactly sure in which thread to put this, but it's a very interesting article suggesting the days of towed artillery may be over. https://www.defensenews.com/global/europe/2024/06/13/artillery-goes-trucking-to-survive-drones-swarming-the-battlefield/
  2. C

    The War in Ukraine

    Not a ringing endorsement on the performance in real battlefield conditions of some of the most vaunted Western weapons systems. Especially interesting for Canada is the takeaway that the M777 is too delicate, and burns through barrels. https://responsiblestatecraft.org/ukraine-us-weapons/
  3. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    More bad news for one of the ships (Constellation class) that Alan Williams loves to point to as an option to continuing with the CSC. https://www.twz.com/sea/navys-new-constellation-class-frigate-is-a-mess
  4. C

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Aren't the first few tranches to be trained at Luke AFB? I thought I had read somewhere that 4 of the first Canadian F35s would be delivered to Luke for use by Canadian students.
  5. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    This is interesting. Australia is apparently forgoing any customization to its proposed class of 11 "Tier 2" frigates. A truly MOTS purchase. They cite time as the leading factor in this decision, but I believe AUKUS has strained the Australian defence budget to such a high degree that cost is...
  6. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    6000. The original design was 4500, but was updated to 6000, presumably to accommodate the larger radar.
  7. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Another customer for SPY-7: https://www.armyrecognition.com/news/navy-news/2024/taiwan-navy-relaunches-frigate-project-to-feature-lockheed-martin-an-spy-7-radar
  8. C

    Replacing the Subs

    Meanwhile, in Poland: https://www.canadiandefencereview.com/news/hanwha-ocean-pledges-mro-tech-transfer-to-polish-industry
  9. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    According to the link below, Canada will be one of the users of the upgraded SM2 missile (the Block IIICU) https://www.navaltoday.com/2024/05/06/raytheon-pens-344-million-deal-for-us-navys-missile-development-program/
  10. C

    Australian Defence Force Megathread

    AUKUS nuclear sub program in trouble. Can't say I'm surprised. https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/start-thinking-now-about-alternatives-to-aukus-pillar-1/
  11. C

    Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

    Stumbled across this CFC paper from a few years ago. It contains a lot of interesting information on the rationale for AEW, the numbers of aircraft (6), the type of aircraft, some suggestions on basing, and a rough staffing model. Quite well written, and an interesting comparison between the E-7...
  12. C

    Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

    The article The article suggests that the UK paid $2.33Bil (US) for 3, so perhaps 5 or 6?
  13. C

    Canada to Spend $5.0Bil on AEW Aircraft

    This is interesting: https://aviationweek.com/defense-space/budget-policy-operations/canada-plans-spend-5-billion-aew-aircraft?elq2=75530bb96f914ac08178d3dfc4a82b9f&sp_eh=e94179ca52d219b366db98a6c69e7503628ec39669975061009f9d2231609f5a
  14. C

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    This is the best article I have seen on the Type 23 life extensions. The comments are particularly interesting. In any case, presumably many of the issues described with regards to structural issues are being faced by our ships...
  15. C

    Replacing the Subs

    This should be a cautionary tale for those who push nuclear subs on this forum. Even with an increase to the Australian defence budget to 2.4% of GDP, significant cuts to other programs will be required to support that acquisition...