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Recent content by JMCanada

  1. J

    Who needs sailors anyway?

    https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/the-house-always-wins-how-to-boost-adf-recruitment/ An option for enhancing recruitment: housing support, same issue in Australia as here.
  2. J

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    Not much has been discussed here about the six proposed Australian "arsenal ships", officially known as "optionally crewed". IIRC V.Adm. Topshee also introduced that idea, however I have not seen any movement from RCN to join RAN in this issue.
  3. J

    Replacing the Subs

    Do you refer to this? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053143/mediaviewer/rm4209802241/?ref_=tt_md_4
  4. J

    Replacing the Subs

    The old slowpoke reactor power, 20kW, would not be sufficient. The "new slowpoke" has 5MW, which would be probably enough to reach 21-22 knots in a Type 212CD. This is the eVinci reactor which is going to be tested in Saskatchewan for civilian purposes, project contract signed last year. Should...
  5. J

    Replacing the Subs

    Was this the "replacing the subs" thread? 🙊
  6. J

    Save Money and Get a Big Ship

    https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/news/defence/royal-navy-warship-hms-prince-of-wales-could-be-sold-4537764 I don't believe it's gonna be serious, probably just demanding more funds, but... who knows?
  7. J

    Canadian Surface Combatant RFQ

    I think it would be feasible to install 3 or 4 mk41 vls tactical modules, that is 24-32 cells for ESSM (quadpacked), SM-2 or even VLA (for ASW) . Either forming a square in the center-line of the multimission bay or arranged in a row, letting still a lot of space on both sides. This would play...
  8. J

    Basic Engineering

    Hello, and Merry Christmas. Has anyone found the correct link to download the english version of the Maritime Eng. Journal (106)? Every link directs to the French version. Thank you.
  9. J

    Dutch ships and designs and the possibilities for Canada

    Problems do arise when undermanning the vessels... https://www.navylookout.com/the-f-35-accident-report-a-reality-check-for-uk-carrier-strike/
  10. J

    Dutch ships and designs and the possibilities for Canada

    It would be a nice idea to early join NL & UK in this project. https://www.navylookout.com/multi-role-support-ships-the-future-of-royal-navy-amphibious-capability/ With about 12 ships to be built, it would not be an orphan class. If there was place for hull reinforcement for operation in iced...
  11. J

    Replacing the Subs

    Might the USN be also targeting buying foreign (Japanese) boats? Should the RCN buy 12 of them, would earn lots of "bonus points" as a credible, reliable ally. https://www.19fortyfive.com/2023/07/the-u-s-navy-needs-diesel-electric-submarines-now/
  12. J

    Replacing the Subs

    I agree somehow with YZT580, however that should not be an issue during peacetime (maybe >90% of the time?) and would extend either the patrol time or the boat's life. I wonder if towing the boats could also work. In such a case the solution might be a mix of tender, towing and...
  13. J

    Replacing the Subs

    In the link below there is a 4 pages undated paper (2022?) from Vice-Admiral R. Davidson about Submarine procurement. Short but ticks many points. It brings up the concept of a Heavy Lift Ship for overseas deployments, which had been earlier raised in Starshell review (Aug. 2022)...
  14. J

    Replacing the Subs

    Regarding TKMS, fuel cells and batteries... https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2023/05/powering-the-future-tkms-submarine-battery-developments/
  15. J

    Replacing the Subs

    https://gentleseas.blogspot.com/2022/08/naval-group-libs-possible-for-india.html Naval Group, TKMS, Navantia, all have agreements with SAFT