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Recent content by medicineman

  1. medicineman

    Regimental Summits

    Well Done!! Now Mr Cynic in me is wondering who amongst those that were not involved in the slightest are going to take the all the credit for it happening...having had that happen to me in the past for stuff.
  2. medicineman

    Reserves Medical Query

    Bueno, good to hear :cool: .
  3. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    That's why every ROTO is ROTO 0...
  4. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Seems the "Army For Tomorrow" is the Ukranian one, since it appears they're getting stuff that should be going to folks here...
  5. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Yeah, forgot about platypi being venomous to boot...
  6. medicineman

    Awaiting doctor form result.

    I'd niggle the CFRC periodically, as they'll often have some advanced notice of issues.
  7. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Yeah...and snakes...and lots of weird arsed giant rats that like fisticuffs...oh and that duckbilled creepy beaver rat thing...
  8. medicineman

    Ex Transgender Applicant Medical

    Just before I responded to you, I'd responded to someone who'd been waiting 2 months...I've seen people here waiting more than 2 months...again hard to tell. The file basket marked "Needs more info" is always the fullest one.
  9. medicineman

    Ex Transgender Applicant Medical

    Hard to answer, however, files going through the RMO that have to be reviewed due to specialist/FMD letters take quite awhile to get read through.
  10. medicineman

    Awaiting doctor form result.

    It's unfortunately an all to familiar thing we hear about on here all the time and I've seen/experienced in one form or other for a number of years. There is indeed a thread about this in one of the recruiting forums. Long story short - there are few people in the RMO to do a large number of...
  11. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Climate and scenery might be better too...
  12. medicineman

    British Military Current Events

    Then much hilarity ensued as they found out the water was polluted with volatile hydrocarbons and they got toasted...
  13. medicineman

    High Ranking Police Folk Allegedly Behaving Badly

    Oh well...now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
  14. medicineman

    CFLRS Hell Platoon

    While my Recruit training is quite dated, there was a thing being trialled in Cornwallis while I was there where platoons that were largely combat arms or combat support trades had things somewhat more stressful than those in high tech/thick glasses specialties - low maintenance floors/lockers...
  15. medicineman

    New U.S. Study: "Military rank affects medical care, offering societal insights"

    Had friends that were federal screws in Kingston - apparently they are supposed to be seen within 72 hours for primary care things and if something requires specialist care, must be seen considerably sooner than you or I would get in to be seen...I want to say he said 14 days, mind you that was...