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  1. Y

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    this should be pulled
  2. Y

    Trust in our Institutions

    he can also tell his caucus that after the next election if their names appear in the report they will be immediately dismissed from the party so, announce your family priorities and retire.
  3. Y

    British Military Current Events

    here is a lesson for those who feel that off-shoring your mfg. capability in order to save 10 cents in production costs is good business. In the long run you are giving up a portion of your independence regardless of how good a friend the other country may be at the time.
  4. Y

    Replacing the Subs

    Maybe we should place two orders: join up with the US, Britain and Australia on the nuclear programme whilst knowing that first delivery won't be for at least 15 years and probably closer to 20. Meanwhile order Korean boats off the shelf to bridge the gap in capability
  5. Y

    Trust in our Institutions

    and it doesn't have any list. But it does name names otherwise we would have been told that there were no names recorded.
  6. Y

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    smoke and mirrors. We need to actually spend money on the forces not just appear to spend money on the forces. Every aspect of DND is lacking in support and stuck in a make-do mode. Don't give Ow an excuse to bail out of our needs and their obligations
  7. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    on a side note: Terry Glavin has put Justin's name at the top of the list of those who profited from the interference. But he doesn't go so far as to state that he was witting.
  8. Y

    Replacing the Subs

    so did my 58 oxford. It wasn't until the unions started muckin' around that quality went downhill
  9. Y

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    Without sitting on the fence there is room to both fully agree with your rationale whilst disagreeing with your conclusions. An ice breaker will never, be suitable as a war ship. they are too slow and too bulky. Regardless of the things to tack on to the hull for defense, in the end you are...
  10. Y

    The War in Ukraine

    Doesn't the offer of Mirage fighters simply complicate the logistics stream for Ukraine. As I see it, unless France is willing to supply the maintenance for the A/C it would require a complete training package for armourers, mechanics, flight planners as well as for pilots and they are only...
  11. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    to be added: NDP continued their unqualified support for Team Red.
  12. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    By implication then the PC member of the committee that rendered the report would be able to release the names that have been redacted provided he did so within the HOC. Do I read you correctly?
  13. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    perfect idea. He would then be locked into the secret act and be unable to comment at all. If nothing else, it has become glaringly obvious that a closed self-policing system doesn't work.
  14. Y

    Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

    oh really? It is currently -27 at McMurdo with a high forecast for -17 over the next 14 days. They are forecasting ice fog and light snow. Why would you want to be there?
  15. Y

    Trudeau Popularity - or not. Nanos research

    too true. The next liberal leader needs to be one that is willing to take a hit for the team. But where do you find a selfless liberal?
  16. Y

    The War in Ukraine

    perhaps so but within the errors are a number of serious issues to take home and correct. Your task is to separate the gold from the dross and adapt accordingly without trying to shoot the messenger
  17. Y

    The War in Ukraine

    do we have anything left in the closet to send?
  18. Y

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    And historically, isn't Iran Persian and not Arabic? They hate each other, at least historically,
  19. Y

    Hamas invaded Israel 2023

    With good reason if the clips of tunnel entrances in UNWRA buildings are to be believed (and they are). Not to mention the reports of UN staff members being a part of HAMAS. Would make as much sense as having Belarus superintend a cease fire between Russia and Ukraine.
  20. Y

    The RCAF's Next Generation Fighter (CF-188 Replacement)

    Wasn't that always the intent. The first squadron will go to a training base.