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  1. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Because the military is not about cost effective and comfortable. You will suffer and like it.
  2. CountDC

    Animal help while in BMQ

    Don't know if they will be able to help but have you tried the MFRC and Legion? Sometimes they do come through and pull off miracles.
  3. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Still have the boots, protects the legs when doing lawn care. Come to think of it believe I still have the ascot too.
  4. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Ok and who decides that the rule is stupid? I think the rule that members are required to have a certain education level is stupid as I have worked with many that would not get in under the current standards. Worked with a CWO that only had grade 3 and was sharp as a tack when it came to his...
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  7. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    I have not seen anyone with the hair colour happening since the policy was changed. I started shaving when beardforgen came out. Took the fun out of working with the army and wearing a beard to annoy them.
  8. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Interesting enough I have worked with 3 people that went through the "inappropriate comments" scenario and although it was a nightmare for them the first 2 both stuck to their guns and were ready to do it again but slightly differently. One was a MCpl back when females were to wear neutral...
  9. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Sooo - where is the problem? The change to hair is in basic terms it must be secured back but oh that is already there. Beards was easy to understand and had the CO clause to order restrictions that seemed clear to me. and as already said it has always been easy enough to ask higher for...
  10. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    A part of the dress regs that appears to be forgotten or ignored the most is: "Commanders at all levels shall ensure that personnel under their command, whether environmentally or extra-environmentally employed, are dressed in accordance with these instructions" Some of the new message is...
  11. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    but removing the liner is destruction of government property and you could be charged (actually had junior officer tell me that after he asked how I managed to shape mine instead of the pancake he had.). Actually have a question as this has come up a few times to me. do they not teach...
  12. CountDC

    2024 Wildfire Season

    The military would be fully activated and sent to fight it. They have, they just use a different name - Canadian Armed Forces. Works great too, artillery can't get triple 7s but they can get chainsaws to train on.
  13. CountDC

    Care for CADPAT

    Easier said than done in some cases. I still have the purple pajamas for if I was ever to go to the field. Actually wore them twice I think. I noticed a little bit in the dress regs about how when a new uniform is approved we are no longer allowed to wear the old without the CDS approval...
  14. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    Butch was my style as a kid but we called it a brush cut. Personally I found having long hair did make a difference when I was a runner. Didn't realize how much until I joined and had it cut off, was like I lost 20 pounds off my head and I didn't get as hot. The barber did mention if he...
  15. CountDC

    Current Dress Regs

    ok admitting up front - I am being lazy here. Can someone advise on the current dress regs in regards to males wearing earrings? I am wondering as I recently saw a couple members wearing what I know was not at standard before and do not recall an amendment sent around to change it. One had...
  16. CountDC

    Installation of Tampon Dispensers in all Washrooms

    Yet the Federal Government has stepped into the provincial health care domain providing diabetes medicine and birth control with a plan to expand so guess they could have included something like Tylenol for seniors while they were at it. As for the "mandated" - kind of tired of that argument...
  17. CountDC

    King Charles III

    We can? I seem to be a mix of 2 or 3 uniforms behind the announced modern uniforms. I do finally have a jacket with Velcro all over the place and just got name tags with anchors.
  18. CountDC

    Federal Government & Union spar over returning to office

    Wouldn't it be amazing if leaders were allowed to lead and determine if they needed their staff in house or could WFH? Work wise I could easily go with a split schedule but for appearances we do a full in office schedule with WFH days scattered when it makes sense (ie have an appointment that...
  19. CountDC

    Restricted posting - Selling a house and buying a house

    Could admittedly be wrong but my understanding is that this was not delegated down and has to be recommended to the minister by the CDS. The 2 location thing is a mess for the member. Again could be wrong as the information provided is a bit vague as others have noted. It appears that he...
  20. CountDC

    Pro/Anti Child Bearing Policies (split from "Canada don’t matter" thread)

    Sorry, don't really know anything about him other than recognizing his name and some people hated him while others liked him. So you do put an age limit on when people can have children and receive benefits. Housing paid off - that would be nice but in reality not everyone has had the chance...