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Recent content by GI JANE

  1. G

    Wearing Uniforms Post-Release/Retirement (merged)

    Really not sure where to post this.  But I retired from the military a a couple of years ago (med rel).  I served a total of 17 years.  15 years being with the army and the last 2 being with the airforce.  When I left, I was really pissed (to put it lightly) with the system.  I tossed my uniform...
  2. G

    DMCA Review Release Item Change - 4C to 3B

    Is it near impossible to change my original release item from the Reg F to 4(c) to 3(b)?  Should I bother to try and get it changed?
  3. G

    DMCA Review Release Item Change - 4C to 3B

    I have somewhat of a simular situation... I've was in the Reserve for approx 11 yrs then transferred to the Reg F.  I then released 4(c) in 2009 (but transferred back to the reserve) after my initial 3 yr contract.  I didn't actually fulfill the 3 yrs - I asked to get out sooner and was...
  4. G

    IE 25 Contract Re-dress ???

    I guess in my opinion, I should have been offered an IE 20 while overseas.  It has only recently come to my attention that that others were offered the IE 20 prior to their BE's expiring, in order to avoid signing an IE 25 at a later time.  I know I should have done something then, but I can't...
  5. G

    IE 25 Contract Re-dress ???

    I joined the reg force in Feb, 2000.  I served a 3 year BE, then signed another 3 year BE.  While overseas in 2005, people in Canada were being offered "The last of the IE 20 contracts"  I returned home to be offered an IE 25, which I signed, as I was told it was that or nothing.  ( I have...
  6. G

    Repaying Allowances

    Vern, Your friend may have a case.  As long as she didn't transfer to the sup list before transferring to the PRes (which is very common practice) and transferred during a time when the CBI read "period of service".  The transfer to the Sup is considered a break in service and as such triggers...
  7. G

    Repaying Allowances

    Yes, I know how the 1/4 time works and it is applied for the buy back of pension for reserve time...that is why I when the CBI referencing MATA/PATA was brought to my attention and the way for which it was interpreted (to my advantage) I didn't at first didn't quite believe but upon further...
  8. G

    Repaying Allowances

    There we go - the policy has been now changed.  Yes, I am grateful that I passed through the old policy.  FYI:  I did however, forfeit the servernce benefit and retirement move.  It had its benefits and it had its cons.  When I went through with my release - it was never an issue and there was...
  9. G

    Repaying Allowances

    Because I first came here to seek the truth...I thought I should post the truth.  And I do know...I have been released and transferred PRes and I know what rules I need to abide by.  I mustn't go NES or go on ED&T during the remainder of my 8 months needing to be served.  Just do the time on...
  10. G

    Repaying Allowances

    Correct.  I mean't CBI:  205.461.(3)(d) Means:  you were given 1 year MATA/PATA, you give back 1 year of service time either Reg F or PRES.  You cannot have a break in service though.  If you go to the Sup Res List - this is a break in service - Sup res does not count towards service in this...
  11. G

    Repaying Allowances

    ??  I don't know why.  The CBI refers to MATA/PATA allowances only.
  12. G

    Repaying Allowances

    CBI:  205.461.(3)(d) agrees to serve a period of service equivalent to the period during which the member received MATA, PATA or both, immediately on completing the maternity leave, parental leave or any other leave without pay and allowances as applicable. Means:  you were given 1 year full...
  13. G

    Repaying Allowances

    That is very misleading.  This has nothing to do with pension or the calculation used for determining pensionable time for buy back.
  14. G

    Repaying Allowances

    You are wrong!  I am "said friend", I have now been released from Reg F and TRANSFERRED PRES.  Time that I owe is 1 week of reserve service (not days worked) = 1 week of time served.  Just like calculating a CD - this also means that ED&T or NES during this time owed will trigger pay back of...
  15. G

    Repaying Allowances

    noway - thanks for the info.  As it turns out your interpretation (and mine) was correct.  Rumor has it that the policy is in the works to be changed but for now it remains.  Reserve time served = time served (not day worked for day worked).