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  1. L

    FE Selection Boards

    Does anyone have any info on when the next FE selection board is?  I have my remuster pw in now.  I was just wondering if there was anyone in the know that could shoot a little scuttlebutt my way.  Thanks
  2. L

    Afghan Mullah sings Canadian praises

    Afghan cleric on a mission Praises Canadian role in Kandahar But urges troops to get to know locals Feb. 20, 2006. 04:44 AM MITCH POTTER MIDDLE EAST BUREAU KANDAHAR, Afghanistan—He is a friendly neighbourhood mullah who wants nothing more than to shake hands with a Canadian soldier. And Haji...
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    Retention Issues

    Okay everyone, ROE:  I am requesting that this to be a civil discussion and for some productive suggestions to be made.  What I am envisioning here is I will post what I see as the problems and I would love for your replies to be proactive suggestions that hopefully some of our leaders that...
  4. L

    Effects of Deployments on members

    I just recieved this email.  I would assume it is from a 1 CER member but no idea who originated it.  It has made its way around and I thought it interesting and a good topic for discussion.  I have simply cut and paste and have not altered this piece; all ideas are that of the originator. ...
  5. L

    CANSOFCOM/JATF Eng requirements?

    It looks as if this is a go within the next year or two from what the CANFORGENs are saying.  At the Tp level we haven't heard anything about it.  Anyone have any info (or even some "informed speculation") on what the requirements would be for Sappers in this new unit?  How about standards...
  6. L

    IEDs or Booby Traps?!

    For you EOD guys especially but all input is definately welcome... First of all, what does our doctrine determine as the difference between these two?  The field troops are getting very frustrated.  Everything that looks out of wack is an IED.  Almost as if booby traps just fell off the table...
  7. L

    New MILES Gear at WATC

    Got some info you all might be interested in pertaining to the Weapons Effects Simulation equipment (WES) in Wainwright.  First of all I will say there are a few bugs to be worked out but it is a great system from what I have encountered so far.  Some points: -The Carl G really needs to be...
  8. L

    My big yap

    Alright guys, an apology is in order.  I posted some comments on this site that generalized and put down the Engineers.  It was wrong.  It was just bitterness and a bad day and a lack of restraint on my part.  I sincerely hope that I did not affect anyones views on 1 CER or any of my fellow...
  9. L

    FE COTP info anyone?

    Just wondering if anyone had any info on the Flight Engineer board.  From what I am told I know it is sitting between now and Dec 05 but would love any more details anyone could offer.  Or does anyone know where I can find these details?  Things like how many applications went in for how many...
  10. L

    FE 2005 COTP program

    I was just wondering if anyone had any info on the numbers for FE this year (ie. how many applied for how many positions)?  Since its COTP the BPSO's don't have any info for me.  They say to just wait out and find out in the new year.  Even any rumors would be great!  If someone could even ask...