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Search results

  1. Murch

    Direct Entry vs. CEOTP for Combat Arms

    Hey guys -- I'm starting to be a bit of a regular on the recruiting forum. I know its hard to give an answer with absolute authority, and I am in almost constant contact with my local CFRC. I just like to here some chatter on here as well. I applied for ROTP but got fetched up in a medical...
  2. Murch

    Questions regarding medical technician

    Hey everyone -- I'm thinking of doing a short term engagement as an NCM medical technician. I have my sights on Officer Trades right now, but I do not think I made the selection for my trades under ROTP... I should know by mid June how that worked out. My aptitude, medical, etc. is all good, I...
  3. Murch

    Combat Arms and ROTP 2010/2011

    Hey everyone -- Sorry if this should be attached to another thread -- I tried in the ROTP 2010/2011 section, but I do not seem to be getting the answers that I am looking for, largely because it seems to be more of a support group for Ocdt hopefuls than a group of people with specific answers...