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  1. Excolis

    Parachutist wings from cadets on my PRes or RegF uniform

    there are two loaded on for this years course.
  2. Excolis

    documentation for CIC wearing the highland dress

    i know its out there, but i cant find it anywhere.. does anyone have the link to the CATO or the QR&O stating that CIC officers can wear the highland uniform? ive looked all over and cant find it someone help please
  3. Excolis

    Major Changes to CATO 55-04

    was white shirt and bow tie not the mess dress all along?
  4. Excolis

    Army Cadet History website update - Official Army Cadet online museum/Archive

    This is a great site showing all units that are out there, history and much more.  i came across it and thought i would share it with you. hope you like it http://www.armycadethistory.com
  5. Excolis

    Army Cadet Targets

    your supply officer can order them through the system, and they will come on the thicker paper. if you want i can get you the NATO number in a few days, I'm out of town at the moment
  6. Excolis

    Our Dead, Our Flag and the CUPE

    so sad people are worried about a little overtime pay..    tell that to the men and women that are dying to get them that 4 hours pay.  i would be a shamed to be a part of that union just for making a move on this.
  7. Excolis

    possible flares? anyone know what these are in my photos?

    thanks guys for all the info.
  8. Excolis

    possible flares? anyone know what these are in my photos?

    these were from the Korean war as far as i know.  my grandfather had them when he was on a ship.  but thanks for the info. sorry about the pics also, but these do have a threaded base.  any other info on these would be great.  what were these used for?
  9. Excolis

    possible flares? anyone know what these are in my photos?

    anyone know what these are?  i know they are old,    I'm curious that's all.
  10. Excolis

    albatross or an eagle. i had a good couple of arguments about this one

    LOL  Good points gents :)  put a smile on my face before lunch :)
  11. Excolis

    albatross or an eagle. i had a good couple of arguments about this one

    http://www.forces.gc.ca/site/community/MapleLeaf/vol_9/vol9_19/919_08.pdf or http://www.airforce.forces.gc.ca/news/2006/05/01_e.asp I just had a few good arguments about this with a few airforce personel.   just wanted to point out that the army guy was right.  its an eagle. :) Edited for...
  12. Excolis

    Any Old Timers Out There???

    hey guys, just curious if anyone out there is older served in the Korean war.  I'm looking for shipmates of my grandfather CPO2 Don Lonnee  he was from Halifax, and served on the Iroquois, bonnie, Maggie, and a few others.  was a gunner (shot the big bugers on ships) 105mm maybe.  anyways, i...
  13. Excolis


    i thought there are hundreds of types of wellingtons.  i already have mess kit,  i am just going through a transfer, and need the boots now.  thanks for the advice though. I'll check it out on the internet.
  14. Excolis


    Anyone out there know what the boot name (type of wellington) you wear with the blue's or mess dress? Also if you know a contact to purchase these. thanks
  15. Excolis

    CadetPat field uniform

    I PM'd recceguy.  CIC are still in the reserves, and fall under QR&O's.  CIC are Commissioned Officers of the CF.  Why would they wear anything different?
  16. Excolis

    CadetPat field uniform

    Thats fine, Joe civi over here in Canada might not know what MARPAT is.  Lets say you bring your corps to the states for training? then what? everyone and their brother over there knows what MARPAT is, and 16 year old kids these days are 6' plus, and will look like soldiers. i still say...
  17. Excolis

    CadetPat field uniform

    i still say that the uniform looks just like the marines, and i just dont wouldn’t want them looking like marines (personal thought).  as for having them look like the "real" thing and wear the CAPAT version, i am not all for that either.  i do agree that getting the cadets in a uniform so...
  18. Excolis

    CadetPat field uniform

    loosy based on the MARPAT?  that is basically the MARPAT..  and why would we want canadian cadets looking like marines?  nothing against marines, i have many friends that are marines, but i think this is rediculous.  my personal opinion is if you want to wear a combat uniform get the ones that...
  19. Excolis


    i have tried that number, and they told me to call somone else.... then they never got back to me, so i talked to the switchboard, and they gave me another person to contact, and i never heard anything back from them either.
  20. Excolis


    is there anyone out there that has anyone to contact at RMC for the OPME or undergrad courses?  i have tried many times with no success.  i am currently transferring from the CIC to the PRes, and this will help me.  any help is greatly appreciated thanks