's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

Le Regiment du Saguenay

Armorial Description

A shield surmounted by the Crown and supported on each side by a dolphin; on the upper portion of the shield, three fir trees, on the lower portion the representation of the waters of the Saguenay; below, a scroll inscribed DIEU ET PATRIE; the whole resting upon a scroll inscribed LE REGIMENT DU SAGUENAY.

Official Abbreviation: R du Sag

Motto: Dieu et Patrie (God and country)

Battle Honours (None)

Order of Precedence: 31
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Military Word Of The Day
The King's Own Calgary Regiment (RCAC)

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Today in Military History

September 18


Quebec surrendered to the British, following Wolfe's victory at the Plain of Abraham on 13 September, sounding the death knell for a French presence in Canada.


Japanese invade Manchuria, occupying Mukden, Changchun and Kirin (Mukden Incident)


SAN FORTUNATO, effective dates for battle honour begin (to 20 Sept 44)


Several "Canloan" officers serving with the 1st Air Landing Brigade are killed in the defense of the recently captured bridgehead at Arnheim, Holland.

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