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VAC wait times


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Does anyone know what is the average wait time for VAC to start processing disability claims? It seems like it takes 2-3 months before it is started after submission.
  I have read somewhere that VAC is now at 24 weeks vs 16 weeks,! Has anyone heard/ seen the same?

I am at 40 weeks right now and not expecting to hear anything until the end of sept which brings me to 52 weeks . 16 weeks to 24 weeks is a joke
Unfortunately it is extremely slow, all documents were provided on Dec.2.2014, just reached a desicion on June.22.2015.. Then they mail you a form asking how you want your money, + 1 week, the. You scan in back In 1 minute via my vac account and it takes them up to an additional 2 weeks to deposit your money... And I had to involve the onbududsmens office, otherwise I bet I'd still be in "adjudication"

So, 29 weeks to reach a decision. And payment if made this week (still waiting) will be 31 weeks.
So I guess that the Ombudsman office was useful. How long did it take them to resolve it? I thought about going thru them! I already made contact with the Minister's office about 3 weeks ago now, no response yet,!
I am up to a year now, it took 19 weeks to start processing my file after they received all documents. Then another two months before it was approved. Then another two months before I was a specialist doctor to determine how much disability and it is supposed to be another 16 weeks after that before they let me know but I am still waiting.
Same thing happened to me, email O'Toole directly and restate the problem and tell him your going on a Month with no response from his office and your disappointed ect. I did that and they called me the next Morning.

They called the lease adjudicator and pushed my file along. From they involvement to decision was about 2 weeks.
I submitted my claim through RCL on 1 Jun. According to the website (My VAC Account) I am at step 2 since 23 Jun. It does say that VA has to have a decision within 16 weeks... I know of a co-worker who submitted after me and already has a pay-out. Unless i'm being fed a line...
I've been waiting since November for PIA. Have disability award @ 100%. Taking forever for PIA
RobA said:
I've been waiting since November for PIA. Have disability award @ 100%. Taking forever for PIA

I'm curious I submitted for PIA end of May and the letter I got said 10 to 12 weeks for a decision to be made. Have you inquired about your PIA? Did they give you the same timeline?
I am approaching the 20 week mark. I know that isn't bad at all compared to some of you. Anyone know if getting the Legion involved would help speed it up? I did submit my claim through them. Thanks
BinRat55 said:
I submitted my claim through RCL on 1 Jun. According to the website (My VAC Account) I am at step 2 since 23 Jun. It does say that VA has to have a decision within 16 weeks... I know of a co-worker who submitted after me and already has a pay-out. Unless i'm being fed a line...
I submitted Apr 20 with all documents in by April 28. I've been step 2 since May.
With anything physical its long, as soon as it goes beyond their "standard" reach out to the VAC Ombudsman's office and they can help push it along. But even doing that mine was 30 weeks.
If its for PTSD or anything like that, they usually payout %10 really quick as soon as its diagnosed, then after a few months they pay out the rest after a full clinical investigation.

Your friend could have been paid quickly if it was a stress injury. I know I was and a bunch of people I served with as well.
dunlop303 said:
... If its for PTSD or anything like that, they usually payout %10 really quick as soon as its diagnosed, then after a few months they pay out the rest after a full clinical investigation.

Your friend could have been paid quickly if it was a stress injury. I know I was and a bunch of people I served with as well.

That makes sense.

I submitted for Coronary Neuropathy (I had a mild heart attack on the range... during a PWT3... February... 3 feet of snow...) and I have been seen by 4 Dr's, 3 lab tests and bloodwork up the hoop!! I would have thought it was fairly cut and dry (I am being released 3B as a result of this as well...).

I'm fairly patient and thanks to the advice of others on this forum I have other options. Thanks all.
Applied 10 April for a MH claim....Was told 16 weeks from 17 April for a decision - last friday in other words...Monday send a secure message asking for an update, find that my profile has been updated saying that the application is at Step 3, and that as it is over 16 weeks I should expect a decision letter shortly. Get a secure message telling me it's at head office for another month when they expect to give me an answer....

Ombudsman contacted today, will let you know how it pans out.
Squeaky wheel gets the grease I wonder? I personally would wait the 16 weeks as Gap did, which would put me mid Sept. If there has been no change, I'll do the same and see if there's a commonality. Maybe we just gotta "poke the bear"... or threaten to tell mom...

It took a few days. less than 2 weeks though. But they get real information for you atleast and talk to the supervisor of adjudication.
Interesting, I haven't even heard back saying they had received my e-mail, let alone were doing anything about it. That being said, it is that time of year.
In speaking with VAC earlier this afternoon, I received some clarification (clearer to ME at least...) - It's not 16 weeks from the time they receive your application nor is it 16 weeks from the time you enter in step 2. Only when you reach step 3 does the 16 weeks start ticking. And even then, it's much like soccer penalty time - they can run over as long as they have to based on the time wasted previously debating.

Step 1 and 2 - limitless (10 - 24 weeks is the "norm")
Step 3 - 16 weeks (maybe, depending, perchance, perhaps...)
