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ATIS Tech...

net cracker

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I'm in the navy right now and I want to change trade to ATIS tech...I need some info on the trade and if its open right now or not...where will the first posting be if I remustered and other info.
Don't quote me on this knowledge, but you will probably end up being posted to Kingston or Borden to do your phase training....
If you do not have any electronics background you will attend POET and your 3s in Kingston think around 16 months. Ideally your first posting would be to an active Air Base, although don't count on it. If you use DWAN and use the EMMA site to search for Cpl positions for the ATIS trade it will give you an idea of the possibilities.
Is anyone there who can advice me on this issue...I'm in the navy now and I want to VR and get back into ATIS tech. or LCIS tech.  Is this the right way to go or I'm I doing it the wrong way?  If I want to remuster, I have to wait 2 more years and thats too long.
net cracker said:
  If I want to remuster, I have to wait 2 more years and thats too long.

There are people posting on this site right now, that have waited 2 years to "get back in".

Consider your options wisely.
Thanks for the info yall...I'm gonna talk with a recruiting office and see what they have to say...I've talked with other navy personnel in my trade and they all tyring to get out of it...I'm still going to go thorugh with the VR and get back in as ATIS tech....If anyone have any recent info. on this please post it up....thanks............
Think seriously about your decision...
Will you have a good support system for after you VR? are you prepared to accept the possibility of ATIS being closed? There are many, many variables you need to consider before you do something like this.
I know a guy who VR'd out of Sigs to go LCIS, they said no.

just a thought.
I've been selected for ATIS tech, i was wondering if anyone knew the dates the course begins?

I missed the call from my CFRC Thursday and they are closed till Monday.
Pegcity said:
I've been selected for ATIS tech...

Did you accept for ATIS?  Just curious because your profile shows you as a "00180" which is an infantry officer.  And both your profile and your avatar show a 2nd Lt.

Edited to add: I see from your previous posts that you originally started as Inf.  Confusing to look at when you post regarding ATIS tech.
I finished my BMOQ as an Infantry officer and received my commission but decided i wanted to go down another career path, so i didn't go to Gage town and reapplied and was accepted as an ATIS.

CFSCE Course Calendar

Click that link, go to CFSCE 11-12 Calendar. You will see all the dates for the courses being run. Expect a several month delay after your POET to get on your 3's. I know several people who had to wait 8 months, and I believe current POET grads are being told that it is about a 6 month wait, if anyone knows different please feel free to correct me
Hey guys,

I don't have DIN access since I only leave for BMQ in September, would someone be able to tell me out of that link when POET courses are in 2012?

Until the 2012-2013 Calendar is released, these are the currently scheduled dates


As you see a new course starts every 2 weeks, so it's pretty safe to assume when the next several courses will run. For the course to run it depends on if it gets a minimum of 8 students, which probably isn't a problem as I think they are backed up at the moment

I do know that there are a minimum for 6 of us going into September 5th BMQ that are ATIS or AVS Tech so theres almost a class there.

Would the CFSCE Course Calendar show 2012/2013? I assume I'll hit POET in Q1 of 2012 since I'm scheduled to leave BMQ in December, I was just wondering if QL3s is on a schedule such as that as well.
Once the calendar is posted it will have all the updated courses offered at CFSCE going till March 2013.

The courses aren't on a specific schedule as far as i know, but when i was talking my Course director he mentioned they try to get at least 5 courses done a year. That was when they were hurting for staff though. They may have picked up more instructors. The dates in the past for the 3's have been


Thanks again Dew.

At least I have a possible 'timeline' now. Again, mush appreciated.
No problem at all, good luck at BMQ and all your future trade courses