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Carrying non military issue knives

I carry (everywhere I go) a Swiss-army (Victorinox) Mechanic.  I've been carrying one since before I joined the mob.  Best knife, most used tool I own. 


This knife has opened more equipment cabinets, repaired more loose widgets and has more miles on it than most cars.  Love it.  Wouldn't trade it for anything.  Simple (recent) addition of a micro-LED light to the key-ring has made it even handier.

When on ship, I (like most sailors) also carry a DH Russel belt knife. 



What do you need for basic training?  Whatever the staff give you.


Are sailors issued the "C" model sheath w/spike?


I have owned the "jump knife" for years and it hangs off a belt loop whenever I am in the woods, hiking, fishing, etc.  Aside from having a few extra rivets punched into the sheath (belt loop and 1 extra in the lower part), all I've done to it is sharpen it and put a braided 550 cord lanyard on it.  Still holds a nice edge after 10+ years.  Other than that, I carry a Gerber on my backpack on the hip belt.  I guess I've never seen to need to carry a katana-type blade.
Engineer PBO's are supposed to get the one with the spike too.....
The Grohman knives are too "expensive" so the CF went and bought copies of them, had fancy engravings put on the side, and you can have them issued to you by temp loan card when you do your in routine on ship. 

The "issued" knife looks like a filleting/de-boning knife, and the one I got had a cheap leatherette sheath.  I never used it.  Ever.

If you want to save a few $$, you can take a spin up to Pictou and buy direct from the factory....got mine at %50 off because of a small ding in the wood.

NavyShooter said:
If you want to save a few $$, you can take a spin up to Pictou and buy direct from the factory....got mine at %50 off because of a small ding in the wood.

The way the price of gas keeps going up, those savings will be less and less.  >:( 

I was issued one of these knives as a keeper on a previous ship.  A great shipboard knife you'd not go wrong there.  If I was buying one though I would go for the model that had a bos'n spike with it. 

I did use the cheap POS that you mentioned as well.  Did not keep an edge worth a damn.  Must have been a really great deal for some supply buyer as you got what you paid for obviously. 
NavyShooter said:
The Grohman knives are too "expensive" so the CF went and bought copies of them, had fancy engravings put on the side, and you can have them issued to you by temp loan card when you do your in routine on ship. 

The "issued" knife looks like a filleting/de-boning knife, and the one I got had a cheap leatherette sheath.  I never used it.  Ever.

If you want to save a few $$, you can take a spin up to Pictou and buy direct from the factory....got mine at %50 off because of a small ding in the wood.

You pretty much have to "know a guy" to get the CF issued Grohman, it's not given out regular basis. You might get it's cheap plastic handled and sheathed replacement though. Regardless it's still easier and probably better to buy a good knife yourself.
Too true.  I was going to use my "posting present" from one ship (49 months onboard = decent $$$ to use at the canteen) but of course, the canteen was out of stock on them.  C'est la vie.  Hence my drive to Pictou. 

Grohmann Army knife

$80 online here -

Oh how I loved my Grohmann DH Russel #3 complete with the leather sheath and the original box. I got it as a birthday present one year. I still have it to this day and it still keeps a wonderful edge. I remember that before I got the DH Russel #3, I used to carry a big Buck pigsticker. No idea why I carried it. I guess it had to do with an FNG OCdt desperately grasping for credibility.
BadEnoughDude said:
Oh how I loved my Grohmann DH Russel #3 complete with the leather sheath and the original box. I got it as a birthday present one year. I still have it to this day and it still keeps a wonderful edge. I remember that before I got the DH Russel #3, I used to carry a big Buck pigsticker. No idea why I carried it. I guess it had to do with an FNG OCdt desperately grasping for credibility.

I'm glad you're creaming your jeans over a substandard knife.

Yeah, it's cool, but it ain't the kick ass motherfucker you thought, when you bought it.

You are not a knife fighter. Don't die pretending to be one,
recceguy said:
I'm glad you're creaming your jeans over a substandard knife.

Yeah, it's cool, but it ain't the kick ass motherfucker you thought, when you bought it.

You are not a knife fighter. Don't die pretending to be one,

That was uncalled for. I was just saying how I liked the knife. I never alluded to being a knife-fighter. Srsly what's your problem? What are you some kind of internet tough guy whose e-peen depends on you putting down less experienced members of the forum? Like seriously, how do you even equate me getting that knife AS A GIFT to my innate desire to be a knife fighter? Way to hit the nail on the head, Sigmund , Freud!
ObedientiaZelum said:
Settle this with a knife fight!

I agree! Oh wait, didn't recceguy tell me that I'm not a knife fighter, so I shouldn't die pretending to be one :( . I guess this debate will have to be settled the old fashioned way: pistols at dawn. I demand satisfaction! Of course, recceguy would likely have some snide remark to make about that too. Likely he'll settle this the new-fashioned way: by striking me down with a banhammer ;) .
We want action. Pictures of this knife fight, or recceguy leaves milnet.ca FOREVER....

BadEnoughDude said:
That was uncalled for. I was just saying how I liked the knife. I never alluded to being a knife-fighter. Srsly what's your problem? What are you some kind of internet tough guy whose e-peen depends on you putting down less experienced members of the forum? Like seriously, how do you even equate me getting that knife AS A GIFT to my innate desire to be a knife fighter? Way to hit the nail on the head, Sigmund , Freud!

No. Quite simply, you've been a pain in our butts before and we've been nice enough to let it go.

Now, you're back, and we're not about to tolerate the same bullshit again.

I think there are a couple of trolls who need to go find a new playground...... ::)