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Extra things to bring (but aren't on the list) to camp


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There are alot of things you wish you brought in the middle of summer camp,
I know I wish I had brought more things (I pack light) that would have made my stay alot more fun...
This is what I'm bringing to CLI Adventure this year:

1.Extra socks (Allways nice to have clean dry socks)

2.Roll of string (For the tents you make but they never give you enough for)

3.Duct tape (For the odd repair job,and leaks)

4.GPS (Who likes getting lost?Good for the canoe trips)

5.Atomic alarm clock ($30 at radio shack,always has the right time)

6.Grundig Crank radio ($24 for a referbished one at The Source wearhouse in
                                Barrie, Also has shortwave, dont need batteries but
                                takes three if you have them, great for the field)

7.Garrity Crank flash light ($15.00 at Canadian Tire 90 seconds of cranking for
                                    30 minutes of bright light)

8.Small camo tarp ($7.50 Canadian Tire ,Various purposes eg.ground sheet,
                          another tent cover)

9.Small metal tent pegs (To secure your tent and other things to the ground)

10.Watch (Keep time in the bush)

11.Hydrapack (Keep hydrated, Confilicts with camp but 05 CLI Bravo was 
                    allowed to wear them)

12.AfterBite (BRING! Perfect for mosquito, spiter, and many other insect

13.Calling Card (Perfect for low rates,DONT BRING $5 calling cards they WILL
                      NOT last long enough,A $25 card is sufficent for the
                      everyday long distance caller)

14.Two combination locks (One for locker, one for baggage,locks with the
                                    same combo are nice)

15.baggage lock (Put lock on your locker with your combo lock when on long 
                        excercises and weekends,the smaller lock fits just perfect
                        with the big one,stops people who know the combo of the
                        combo lock, I wear the key on my ID chain)

16.$10 - $15      (for you first week's spending money, don't bring

17.Camera (Dont bring camera phones or digital camera's, they most likey will
                be conficated as noone actually see's the film during 
                development so it may be anything)

18.Lots of AA's (For anything electronic you might have)

19.Field Message Pad (Good for recording important information in the field
                              and the classroom)

20.Tabasco sauce (Spice up many of those meal's that lack taste, and make
                          the bad meal's taste better)

I'll add more things if I think of them but if you can think of anything more, post them...

What's everyone bringing extra (Not on the list they give you) to camp?
Try to find me at camp.
Don't bother bringing a GPS, A)because you will not need it and B) they will probably confiscate it.

The two pieces of extra kit that were most popular in Adventure last year were little camping chairs and hydrapacks (you could only use them on the ftx or canoe trip though).

Also bring wet naps and a small mirror for the bush, you'll need them to wipe the cam paint off your face. Your expected to wear cam paint on every patrol you go on...and make sure you take it off before going to bed;don't be a dirty billy.

Dry bags would have been good on the canoe trip but garbage bags did just as well. Also if you take sandals, don't take the flip flop kind as you will not be allowed to wear them on the canoe trip, and you'll have to wear pt shoes which will suck.
GGHG_Cadet said:
Don't bother bringing a GPS, A)because you will not need it and B) they will probably confiscate it.

Yeah, that is REALLY excessive.

Your expected to wear cam paint on every patrol you go on

Beat that with a balaclava. Much, MUCH easier. Slip it on, slip it off. PLUS it can be usefull for keeping them bugs off, and protecting your face from bushes/branches.

Also if you take sandals, don't take the flip flop kind as you will not be allowed to wear them on the canoe trip, and you'll have to wear pt shoes which will suck.

Watershoes. Most of the time if you drop into CT or Zellers you can get them for the same price as the averave sandals. They offer better protection for your feet, plus are more durable then sandals.
Good call on the water shoes, even better than sandals. A balaclava would be good at night but during the day when it is really hot, it is best to stick with cam paint and a tilly, instead of overheating with a balaclava.
GGHG_Cadet said:
Good call on the water shoes, even better than sandals. A balaclava would be good at night but during the day when it is really hot, it is best to stick with cam paint and a tilly, instead of overheating with a balaclava.

Invest in CoolMax Extreme. If you have worn underarmour you know that it is good to keep you cool. CoolMax Balaclava's are by far a step up, PLUS they make Balaclava's. I find that it actually keeps my head at about the same temperature (a taaaad warmer, barely noticeable) then if I wasn't wearing one! For the extra 10-15 dollars it's well worth it in the long run.

*cough* http://www.newandusedcars.ca/coolmax/coolmaxmilitary.pdf

See, that list was pointless. If you're going to CLI ADVENTURE/ EXPEDITION I say all you really need is to remember to bring a heck of a lot of sunscreen/ aloevara/ and sandals with velcroe/ or water shoes. There you go, and if you want to get complicated, bring some longsleeve shirts.

Thats what I think anyone who goes away should DEFINALITY bring.
More socks and something to wear for those really cold nights of being lazy and sleeping on top of the covers
You'd regret it if ya didn't  ;D, some kids were using Footpower  :-\
I would also recommend bringing an mp3 player or a cd player so you keep sane and occupied when you are on free time, it helped me out alot.
Also, I would recommend bringing some sort of laundry detergent, in some companies you will have to do your own laundry, water will not make your clothes clean just wet.
Half of the stuff on that list will get confiscated for the duration of your training.  Follow the kit list and joining instructions for summer camp, that's why they are created.  Within the joining instructions they usually list the extra stuff that you should bring that will not be covered by the summer training centre.


PViddy said:
Half of the stuff on that list will get confiscated for the duration of your training.  Follow the kit list and joining instructions for summer camp, that's why they are created.  Within the joining instructions they usually list the extra stuff that you should bring that will not be covered by the summer training centre.



...But trust me on the talcum powder ;)
I took a huge box of ziploc baggies to CLI Adventure, they were amazing for going into the field and on our canoe trip.

Good call on those Navalsnipr!
bring aveeno for the heat rashes you put in on before bead, sleep and in the morning feel right as rain
GPS??????????? What is wrong with your map and compass skills?
Another idea is to bring some bungy cords, this will make your set up and tear down of hoochies much more efficient.
Baby wipes
Hand sanitizer
Ziploc bags
Body lotion
Mr. Clean magic clean erasers
Swifer dusters
Oust or Febreeze
Alarm clock
Air fresheners (those ones that sit on tables and stuff)
Mini lantern flashlights (set on tables to use after lights out or when your power is out and you can't see anything at 10 [ k3 in connaught])
Foot powder