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Happy Statute of Westminster Day!

The Bread Guy

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The Union Jack flag will fly from Royal Canadian Navy ships and some federal buildings Sunday to mark Statute of Westminster Day.

The anniversary refers to an important event in Canadian history - on Dec. 11, 1931, the British parliament passed legislation indicating that Canada, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa were no longer considered colonies of Britain.

The Union Jack was approved on Dec. 18, 1964, for continued use as a symbol of Canada's membership in the Commonwealth of Nations and of the allegiance to the Crown, Maritime Forces Pacific said ....
Postmedia News, 11 Dec 11
It is interesting that Australia did not adopt the statute until 1942, backdating the official date to 3 Sep 1939, the day on which the British government declared war for Australia, and New Zealand waited until 1947. Newfoundland did not adopt it at all, and reverted to British rule in 1934 because of the financial mess caused by the depression.
Good to know!  I noticed ships in Esquimalt flying the Union Jack yesterday while bringing an orca alongside; wasn't sure why that was.