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More wacky laws? (this time in florida)


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Gun foes warn Florida tourists about new law


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 Posted at 8:30 AM EDT

Associated Press

Miami â ” Clark Ramm sees shades of the Wild West in Florida's new law giving greater legal protections to people who shoot or use other deadly force when threatened or attacked.

"It seems like everybody ought to be packing a piece," said Mr. Ramm, a visitor from Ukiah, Calif., who found out about the law Monday from a gun-control group handing out leaflets at Miami International Airport. "I don't know if that's the right thing to do."

The leaflets begin with the words "An Important Notice to Florida Visitors" in bold red type by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence.

"Do not argue unnecessarily with local people," it says. "If someone appears to be angry with you, maintain to the best of your ability a positive attitude, and do not shout or make threatening gestures."

click here

Florida's "stand your ground" law, which took effect Saturday, means that people no longer must attempt to retreat or defuse a threatening situation before using violence in order to later claim they were acting in self-defence. People already had that right in their homes, but the law now allows them to meet "force with force" in any place they have a legal right to be.

The right does not apply if the person is confronted by a law-enforcement officer.

Proponents of the measure, pushed by the National Rifle Association, say it will make Florida a safer place, not more dangerous.

Governor Jeb Bush has repeatedly pointed to a 34-year low in state crime statistics to demonstrate that Florida is not a haven for violence.

"It's pure, unadulterated politics," Mr. Bush said last week of the Brady Campaign's tactics. "Shame on them."

The Florida tourism industry, however, is taking the campaign seriously, with Visit Florida â ” the state's official tourism-marketing arm â ” issuing a statement calling Florida "a very safe and secure destination that excels in caring for its visitors."

"We believe that Americans and international visitors are smart enough to understand that the Brady Campaign is one group's political agenda and not a real safety issue," the statement said.

Florida greets more than one million visitors on any given day, with nearly 80 million tourists visiting the state in 2004, Visit Florida said.

The Brady Campaign leaflets, which the group intends to hand out for about a month at the Miami and Orlando airports, call the measure the "Shoot First" law and urge people to "take sensible precautions" while visiting the state.

"There is no other state in the nation â ” and no other civilized nation on Earth â ” that has a law like this," Brady Campaign spokesman Peter Hamm said. "It could cause the most aggressive people in society to overreact."

The group also has taken out ads in major Detroit, Chicago, Boston and London newspapers about the new Florida law.

Several people who got the leaflets at the Miami airport on Monday appeared taken aback by the new law.

"It's a little scary," said Melissa Vosberg, on her way home to the Chicago area after a cruise in the Bahamas. "It's 'shoot first, ask about it later."'
here is hoping some cooler heads come out when it gets rough. 
some of the gun laws in the states really make some non americans wonder, and they  wonder about our gun laws.
not fan of either set  of laws. some where in the middle would be good
This article is ancient.  I'm pretty sure it was discussed on here before.  And this discussion s already heading in the same direction as the other one :p
Well, if you don't act threatening to anyone, you won't get shot!  Pretty simple...
I believe Chris Rock or Chris Tucker said something about making the bullets cost helluva a lot more, so that you'd think hard about shooting someone because the bullets cost too much.

"An Armed Society is a Polite Society." - Robert A. Heinlein

RoyalHighlandFusilier said:
I believe Chris Rock or Chris Tucker said something about making the bullets cost helluva a lot more, so that you'd think hard about shooting someone because the bullets cost too much.

"Just you wait... I'll get a second job, maybe take out another mortage, and in a couple of years, I'll come back here and bust a cap in your ass..."
If this topic is going to be discussed AGAIN, can you at least stick to realistic suggestions?