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RCMP Info, discussion

It's best if you ask your recruiting cell at your local Division. They are really helpful!
Hi, sorry if I have a terrible accent i'm french (it's obvious)

One year ago I was starting to read this forum but without any comment. By the way I have to say you help me take my final decision and I start the recruiting proccess :O) anyway I just found something really cool at the RCMP website, A complete
diary wrote by a cadet in 2005. I think it's important to know if you are almost ready to embrass the RCMP carrer. I learn a lot about the training proccess and everything about the life style at the depot. I dont know I long this diary is available but let me tell you I was really surprize to find all this information.

Last thing I am not a specialist in the recruiting process but when I read comment saying I am sure to pass I only have a little thing nothing really important I stole a thing last month. Please respect the RCMP stay at home.
Anyway in this post I prouve one thing I am FRENCH. But I move in British Columbia last year. So I am a french but really far far away :o)

See ya

This has been mentioned before, if you look on the Blueline.ca forums there is an entire thread for LEO applicants. All the questions and more have been answered on that thread.

The recruiting process for most major PD's is constantly evolving, your best bet is to post on that site, because it is updated by those in the recruiting process at the moment. Most of us on this thread can comment about what it was like when we went through ( For me 8 years ago) things have changed in a big way since then.

One rumour I have heard a number of times in the last month, is that the RCMP is looking to a return to paying recruits going through training.

Bruce Monkhouse said:
Find?? You've been banned at LEAST 3 times now.......putz. Good thing you were not hooked up to the polygraph when you typed this. ::)

Did you ever get the answers to the questions on how an army uniform goes together?[post 20],.....even though you have mega-time in? [post 1]


That's why I love this place. SO tender, SO caring. So good at sticking the knife in when required. Thanks Bruce, well done.

Hey noneck, I hear from some RCMP members that there are some barriers to getting through the recruiting process. Seems to have something to do with conflicting pension terms, or something stupid like that. Can you shed any light here?


Mine's a Guiness.....
noneck said:
One rumour I have heard a number of times in the last month, is that the RCMP is looking to a return to paying recruits going through training.

It's interesting to hear that they did in the past; I wonder how they came to stop doing it?  It was a surprise to me to hear that I could join the Coast Guard and be paid (not much, but something at least) for my time at the Coast Guard College and have that time count towards my pension -- probably the cheapest pensionable time to be had anywhere -- while a friend who joined the Mounties wouldn't even be considered an employee until he had finished his course.  There is an eight- or nine-fold difference in the length of the training programmes, but it was still surprising that two federal departments could be so different in this way.
Well if truth be told, they were still paying recruits. However the recruits didn't actually see it as it was taken off at source for R&Q, medical and insurance ect. That's why we get a dirty big unexpected T4 for training after you graduate.

Paying Cadets a stipend is a good move, the experienced recruits with life experience, come with debts and we need to recognize this.

Exactly. Not everyone has or is in the position to have 6 months worth of pay saved up to pay bills, etc.
Fry said:
Exactly. Not everyone has or is in the position to have 6 months worth of pay saved up to pay bills, etc.

6 (or 7 just to be sure) months of bills + the recommended $5000 spending money. In my case it's almost $10,000 I have to put aside to do this.

Seriously, if they want folks with life experience and professional/educational experience they need to start offering incentives just like the military does.
Yep. You also gotta wait to get on the next pay cycle post depot... so I guess 7 months would be more accurate. I know many folks who would make fine mounties, that never considered the RCMP simply because of that. 6-7 months of zero income is tough, especially for those with childen and or a significant other at home. There are other options in the same or similar line of work which involve paid training. Less salary or more... training still paid for makes a huge difference.
rw4th said:
6 (or 7 just to be sure) months of bills + the recommended $5000 spending money. In my case it's almost $10,000 I have to put aside to do this.

Seriously, if they want folks with life experience and professional/educational experience they need to start offering incentives just like the military does.

From the cold, hard, financial angle, as long as they can get enough recruits with the current arrangement they'll probably carry on doing it.
Neil MacKay-
"From the cold, hard, financial angle, as long as they can get enough recruits with the current arrangement they'll probably carry on doing it."

That's exactly why we are going to have to revert to paying cadets....we aren't getting enough in the door!
We are in active competition for the same warm body that every other PD is looking at! It's an applicants market and will be for the next 5-10 years, if not longer. Throw in a few variables such as polygraph, no pay at Depot, the length of time it takes to process a recruit(6 mos to 1.5 years)and last but not least ,our recent well publicized dirty laundry being aired world wide. It's going to be a lot harderjust to get people to come to the info sessions.

There has to be a particular reason why someone these days wants to join the Force, either to work in a specific section (ERT, National Security, UC or Drugs), wear the red suit or something else unique to the RCMP. If someone merely wants to be a cop, they will join the first organization that hires them and i can guarantee that won't be the Force.

It's going to be interesting next couple of years!

I heard you guys were looking at being 1800 short in the next five years.  Is that an accurate number?
Zipperhead Cop
"I heard you guys were looking at being 1800 short in the next five years.  Is that an accurate number?"

I think we are that short right now, I know here in BC (E Div) we are at least 860 persons short. That was the official numbers being bandied around a few months back. So if the largest Division (E-Div) in the Force is 860 short out of a strength of about 6000, what's the rest of the country like?

There's a lot of factors that contribute to this shortfall, the greatest one being baby boomer retirements, the second being that we shut depot in the 90's and are having a hard time making up that shortfall. I personally believe that we need to entice newer experienced applicants with pay through training and possibly direct pension transfer to poach experienced police officers from other forces. This will allow us to make up our staffing shortfall asap. I have heard mention that as soon as this happens then a lot of other forces will start to feel the pinch, especially here in the LMD.

I believe MPs can transfer and carry over some pension benefits from the CF, as the RCMPSA and CFSA include some provisions for portability within the federal government umbrella.  Might be one place to think about poaching, or at least getting info to the SCAN seminars for retiring CF MPs.  Wth many folks releasing at 3 or 6 years, there'sa good sized pool of potential RCMP recruits right there.

dapaterson +1

100% most definitely, I know that the very topic is in the final process pending announcement. Good for the RCMP not so good for the CF. I am of mixed opinon about this. On one hand I live for the day that more folks with a military background join the Force, they bring life experience, formalized leadership training  and for the most part common sense. On the other hand I don't like what it will do to the CF, as I believe that there are no incentives (Even with the MPWG) that will stave off the decimation of the MP trade.

It's been discussed here on this site already and on Blueline.ca, I believe the pre-reqs are 5 years service and QL5 (Or whatever it's called), that being said each lateral will most likely be assessed on their own merit, to determine wether they go through 24 weeks of the Cadet Training Program or 5 weeks lateral orientation.

You are right about the pension, I bought back 5 years of service, both Class B and C and it will make a big difference when I am 51 being able to retire with a 30 year pension as opposed to a 25 year pension. MP service also counts towards your RCMP Long Service Medal.

I am sure that once the official word is out that it will be posted here in short order. In addition once the Force takes MP as laterals it will not belong before other forces do the same.

well it doesn't seem that long ago that I was deferred, but my deferral is up in September. The RCMP has called me and told me they are going to put me on a bit of a "fast track" like not having to do the info session and exam over again. Can't wait to get back into the process...
Crown-Loyal said:
well it doesn't seem that long ago that I was deferred, but my deferral is up in September. The RCMP has called me and told me they are going to put me on a bit of a "fast track" like not having to do the info session and exam over again. Can't wait to get back into the process...

I just got deferred for 3 years at the poly (stupid crap I should of taken care of before applying but didn't). The person who called me told me that exam results are good for 5 years and that if I decide to try again in 3 years, I will have to redo the PARE and start at the polygraph again.

Anyway, good luck and don't lie this time  ;D
Don't get discouraged, at least they didn't tell you never to apply to any police force and then initiate an investigation against you! If they defer you then the best thing you can do is use that time to improve your application and then bounce back in three years. That shows motivation and determination that this is the job for you.

BTW it took me 6 years and three exams to get on.....maybe it's just cause I am thick!
