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started paper work today

Thanks Dogboy the reason I ask  is my Recruiting Officer did not mention it he only said that I would havr to pass the step test, pushups and situps. Thanks for the info:salute:
Well I sent in all my paperwork on saturday to the non such base in edmonton. And got a call today to setup my physical and interviews and stuff. By chance can anyone give me some pointers on anything regarding the physical or medical. I am a smoker but quiting and I can do the push ups and sit ups but I have a little trouble with the running for a long period. I can do the 2.4km in under 11mins though. IF anyone has any pointers please let me know so I can be more prepared.Input would be appreciated
I handed in all my paperwork Monday, and am waiting for the call. I believe that depending on how quickly I go through the process I will start my BMQ in Wainwright over the summer.
Futuretrooper said:
I handed in all my paperwork Monday, and am waiting for the call. I believe that depending on how quickly I go through the process I will start my BMQ in Wainwright over the summer.

I hope for you that your testing will all be done in a short period of time, since your med file takes approx. 1 month to get approved from Borden (if there's no med. issues, and sometimes it's even longer than a month) so that would put you on the merit list in may.. you should get in for the summer if everything goes well

ya it's about a month. i was over a month but now iv got my interview on mon. and hopefully ill be sworn in by months end.
I'm  hopefully getting my tests done soon. Damn 'm so anxious to get them over with I could do them tonight if I had the chance!! :D I really want summer BMq Reg anyone else?
Me too, Armyrules. I just completed my PT, and now waiting for interview/medical, and I just want to get them done so I can hurry up and wait. I'm really hoping for summer BMQ but it sounds almost too good to be true. Here's hopin' though...  Maybe we'll get on the same course next selection, who knows, *crosses fingers*.

Patrick H. said:
Me too, Armyrules. I just completed my PT, and now waiting for interview/medical, and I just want to get them done so I can hurry up and wait. I'm really hoping for summer BMQ but it sounds almost too good to be true. Here's hopin' though...   Maybe we'll get on the same course next selection, who knows, *crosses fingers*.


Yeah that would be killer croos fingers and toes. Aren't you going for 031?
no the army sends you wher they need you
but you get to say wher you want to go and if IF thers a need they may send you ther.
Generally with the Infantry there are enough to keep the boys where they want to be (i.e. most east coast guys want to go RCR, most from Manitoba west want to go PPCLI) Alot of times it evens out but that isn't always the case and you end up where the need you as previously stated  :salute:
well today I did my interview and it seamed to go well except that when asked about willingness to follow government orders i made the question harder then it is
instead of answering yes i can hold a gun and be willing to use it and have no problems folowing orders
I asked  "what would happen IF Canada when against International Law?"
ya a big veg answer to a big veg question.
so we discustit it foe a few min. and I'm still confused.  ???
my problem is. I'm more then willing to go into the Reserves and do whats needid
I'm even thinking of maybe going on a few overseas deployments in a year or two.
But what hapens if our Government decides to go against its own laws or the UN charter?
and since I cant get a strait answer I cant give one. (man my heads hurts now)

also  back in school I had a learning disability and so had special circumstances for all my finals in Highschool, so they have to go see some expert wether it will be a burdin to me or the Army for me to be a member with a Learning disability.

and being that I come from a small town when I was young, I never really was in any sports teams or any big group activities and now that i have gotten older and moved to the city i just hang out with my core group of friends, who I have known for years.
this is a problem because iv never really bin in a big teem situation. and the interviewer thinks this may be a issue. so that 3 strikes agents me and now I'm put on not quite ready status (if it was reg. force I was going for Id be not allowed). so we will see

dam I'm sort of mad now but mostly at my self for answering too truthfully but hey I always try to tell the truth.
so we will see I'm supposed get a call in the next week or so at most.
well I'm not done yet
i got a call and the specialist said that as long as I know that I cant get any special treatment in BMQ(i never ask for it) then my learning disability wont be a issue.
and so I guess I'm still in
Ya for me.