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Subsidized Training, ATIS and recruitment.


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Hi all, this is my first post on this beautiful forum, I hope to make it a good one.

I'm not sure if anyone can give me any insight on this, as it isn't the usual situation with recruitment.  I was in the forces previously, but was rather severely injured during BMQ, my achillies tendon was nearly torn, and the docs told me I had two choices, flutter about CFLRS on PAT for a minimum of 7 months before they would even consider allowing me to continue, or VR and try to recover on my own.

I chose to VR, having already watched every linguistic combination of Jarhead I could stand, and feeling after two weeks that I was growing lethargic, perhaps not the best choice but the choice that was made.

At this time I was OS, and in for marine mechanic engineer trade semi-skilled as an academic though unlicensed 4th class power engineer.

It has been some time since then, my recovery took approximately 8 months, and I've already tried to get back in with Algonquin reserve, though not in a capacity that was possible at the time, I've had a file open, and now closed with CFRC Northbay due to my own lack of communication I'm sure, cannot wait forever.

In any case, I am now residing in Ottawa, and have applied, and been accepted to Algonquin College here for the program Wireless/Mobility Telecommunications Engineering Technician, which carries with it, subsidy capability with the CF for the ATIS trade, advertised on both the CF and Algonquin college sites.

I've since gone in and reapplied with the forces, citing all that I have here, as well as completing a full reapplication form etc.

The Pte(R) I spoke to didn't seem sure what I was applying for, or weather or not it was a closed trade, in general seeming rather negative, but I didn't have the heart to go over his head as at this point I'm still awaiting the arrival of the documents requested from CFRC Northbay anyways.

Question at hand, weather or not this trade is open, what will likely happen since I don't believe there is time for BMQ between now and course start nor one that isn't full, that sort of thing.

I have not actually accepted the course yet I'm looking for advice and insight, needless to say I'm more than a little anxious, I really want to put the CADPAT back on and serve with the strong and proud.  But I require education for my own life goals and this would serve perfectly in both respects.

Thanks for your time to all that respond.
Question at hand, weather or not this trade is open, what will likely happen since I don't believe there is time for BMQ between now and course start nor one that isn't full, that sort of thing.

What I've quoted above is the only real question I could find in you post.  However I think you are asking:

- is the ATIS Tech trade open for recruiting at this time?

- how do I apply for NCM-SEP for this trade?

- how does the process go for recruits who are accepted for NCM-SEP?

Am I close?

A few well worded questions can make it clearer for those who will attempt to give you some info.


Eye In The Sky said:
What I've quoted above is the only real question I could find in you post.  However I think you are asking:

- is the ATIS Tech trade open for recruiting at this time?

- how do I apply for NCM-SEP for this trade?

- how does the process go for recruits who are accepted for NCM-SEP?

Am I close?

A few well worded questions can make it clearer for those who will attempt to give you some info.

I could have been a bit more concise, but yes how does it proceed for those who are accepted to NCM-SEP?
And does the current recruiting state of the trade fully affect recruitment in this manner? Or does it go against projected future needs of the trade?

I'm at a loss here especially since it seems like I'll be unable to attend BMQ before the start of the program.

Thanks for the replies  :)
Well for anyone that is interested;

The trade closed a few weeks prior to my finishing of the application, so I get to stay in a drawer until the trade opens up for NCM-SEP, or until I'm done my training at which point I will withdraw my application as I plan on attending university and will apply to a different MOC.  The senior staff at CFRC Ottawa are very helpful however, and I did appreciate their time.

Woohoo hurry up and wait!!
I'll keep this updated if anything occurs.  8)
Greetings Techguy:

As of 11-Jan-11, this trade was still closed.  We share similar future employment goals.  I was also previously directed from the Program Head at Algonquin to speak with recruiting, citing their recent accreditation from the Air Force.

I was advised by CFRC Ottawa to return in April 2011, post fiscal new budget.  Their records have now been updated and the exact program we speak of is now in the system as a subsidized course for ATIS.

That's all I have to contribute for now, shall we do a coffee and go in together?  Power in numbers?  :-P  (for I'm sure that would go over well!)  :-P  ;-)

Take care, best of luck--Pro Patria!
I'm suprised this got a response fairly recently.

All said and done though, my file for ATIS was closed back in November as part of year end.

I was looking for a way to get myself a full college education, because though I am educated, I have only certificates and no diplomas.  It was a means to an end and I decided it was not worth going back in through this program to reach my personal goals.  Wrong choice, right reasons so to speak.

That said, I am on the final portion of my recruiting process for the 28 Field Am in Ottawa, medicine is always where my desires were, so even with the long wait time I faced / am facing, it is best to go for it directly. As for education, I've taken it upon myself, studies go well, hopeful for Biochemistry at ottawa U this year coming, we shall see.

I do however wish you all the best with the program, and military career.