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The Depression / Anti Depressants Merged Thread

  • Thread starter Thread starter FreshPez
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unknown198 said:

I'm wondering if I can join the military after having had a psychotic event and been on anti-psychotics for a number of years?  I would like to become a pilot.

Any questions regarding medical suitability (i.e. odds of, will I, does CAF, am I, what if, what about, I take these medications, etc etc etc) of a future applicant cannot and will not be answered on this forum.

The process for getting hired to any trade with the CAF is lengthy and involved, and even more so for certain positions, such as pilot.

If it’s something you feel you want to attempt, then there’s no harm in applying. The appropriate people make their decisions on who is successful and who isn’t during each section of the initial hiring process based on all the information the applicant is required to provide. (And any additional selection processes required of certain trades.)

No one on this forum is going to be able to give you concrete assurances/answers. The personal backgrounds of CAF members are as varied as  one might imagine, but as for what is and isn’t considered a ‘hard no’ in terms of successful applicants is up to those who are directly involved with each applicant file, not anonymous users on the internet.

As was stated, if you’re serious, apply and see what happens. But back-up plans are always good to have.
ETrump said:
Thank you for your response. My doctor said he will include the pediatricians comments (which weren't great). Would my doctor's current evaluation on me typically be the most important information to the medical officer?

Did you end up getting enrolled after this medical?
EastonPacman said:
Did you end up getting enrolled after this medical?

Last Active: August 31, 2017
For those who come across this page curious about past mental health/medication issues looking for some clarity:

I applied on June/19 for Naval Warfare Officer position, having only been off of Cipralex for 6 months (I took it consistently for the past 6 years along with frequent Therapy appointments, issues with Social Anxiety during that period, zero depressive episodes). By the time my interview/medical came around in November this year, I fully declared my prior usage to medical staff, and the doctor said it shouldn't be an issue if social anxiety is all that I took medication for.

Recruitment staff required my family doctor to fill out the necessary medical clearance form (which I did ASAP).

My family doctor gave me the all clear on the form (I've been seeing the same doctor for close to a decade) citing no issues/concerns whatsoever and that I have a low chance of relapse. Been a lot of hard work getting to a place where I could be medication free and it has paid off wonderfully.

I received my Selection Offer two weeks later for NWO. I was certain I would be rejected based on what I've read on this forum/heard from others. The moderators/recruiting staff are all correct in saying that everyone's situation is unique and cannot be bundled into one singular situation. On my way out early January 2020 for BMOQ! Wish everyone experiencing similar issues luck moving forward, there is light at the end of the tunnel

P.S: From application to offer, the whole process took roughly 6 months. Seriously fast compared to a family member whose application time took nearly a year and a 1/2!!
Congratulations and good luck.