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Veteran Voice Website


Army.ca Veteran
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Although this web site is mentioned in the topic "Bill C-45 Disability VIA VAC Failing", I feel it is significant enough to stand on its own (unless the moderator decides it is not)


VeteranVoice.info exists to help keep veterans and Canadian Forces service personnel, soldiers, sailors, aircrew, and their families informed. Veterans, current and future, should not rely solely on the word of official institutions, including the federal government. Veterans, serving members and their families must be forewarned of any such actions that may jeopardize the hard-earned rights of veterans and to allow for appropriate counter-steps and initiatives to safeguard and enhance those rights.
VeteranVoice.info exists as a forum to post and access information concerning new legislative initiatives, changes in policies and directives, and identify problem areas that may effect veteran benefits and entitlements. The site exists to provide a forum for all Canadian veterans, serving members and their families to have access to information pertaining to veteran rights, regardless of whether they are a member of a veteran organization or not.
VeteranVoice.info is an independent site, not associated with any governmental department or agency.
VeteranVoice.info is not a company, corporation or even an organization per se. Rather it is a forum and/or conduit which is dedicated to posting concerns about rights and entitlements of current and future veterans, serving members in the context of veteran's benefits. VeteranVoice.info is maintained by independent contributions. Hence, there is no outside influence or constraints on the information presented on the site.
VeteranVoice.info will be your veteran information distribution centre.

Veteran's Pension Survey - initial Results
By the Veterans' Survey Group
Initial stats have indicated that in 92 percent of the cases, Veterans Affairs (VAC) had overruled the diagnosed medical conditions, resulting in military Medical Releases. This is in light that the military (DND) did everything correctly and in accordance with universality of service the medical release was warranted. DND made no mistakes in medically releasing all members (Officers: Major to 2nd Lieutenant and Chief Warrant Officers to Private). DND used both military and civilian physicians, medical specialists and completed all required tests for release. However, it appears that VAC, in particular the Veterans Review Appeals Board (VRAB) either ignored or reversed professional diagnosis.
Where DND did an outstanding job in 99.9 percent of the time, VAC overruled on all cases, by using non-medical VRAB members. VAC completed no medical tests and consulted with no medical specialists (physician's, physiotherapists, etc) nor did they request any medical (or dental) tests on 92 percent of all case files. This is based on 10,000 medical files reviewed between 1982 to September, 2006. 
in consultation with all Colleges of Physicians and the Canadian Medical Association, it is illegal to practice medicine without a licence in Canada, even for those persons being appointed on the Recommendation of the Prime Minister of Canada such as VRAB members. VRAB members who receive very medium training are then commissioned to overrule military Medical Releases without consulting any medical authority.

Sr Analyst

VVi Comment: The Veteran Survey Research form is still available on this site at http://www.veteranvoice.info/vetsurvey.htm . VSG will continue to review survey responses adding to their continuous stats database. All veterans are encouraged to complete a survey form.
